We offer creative workshops - experiencing comicality through our bodies.

Our next workshop: Berlin, at MIME CENTRUM - February, 12th, 2022

- Why are women* (not) funny

When: 12.02.2022. From 10:00-16:00. (6 hours work session with a 30 min pause, please bring snacks and comfortable clothes!)

Where: Mime Centrum 

What: A creative workshop designed for people who are willing to have an experience of transforming thoughts, miseries and desires in comicality. This workshop is designed by ABA NAIA to open a space for people who want to experience comicality throughout their bodies. The collective has been working independently in Berlin since 2017 to investigate “female comicality” and performance. In this 6-hour workshop our hidden desires and strange tastes will be used as means to create performative actions. Based on the personal resources, the goal of this workshop is to produce flash improvisations from what we have, our body/voice, our personal/social dramas and our precarity.

Target: This workshop is suitable for professional and non-professional performers. Also for professional U Bahn drivers, workers from German bureaucracy centers (Finanzamt and Ausländerbehörde), stressed parents and (not) famous influencers or people who think they are funny and they are (not).

Max.12 people

INVESTMENT: Sliding scale, 50€-80€. Pay what you want, but do it consciously. If you want to join but your economical situation is tough, contact us! 


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